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Ransomware Group : ElDorado


In September The El Dorado ransomware group have been rebrand as BlackLock

Ransomware.live has 114 victims in its database for this group.

Victim Name Country Date
Rees NDT Inspection Services 2025-01-24
Rees NDT Inspection Services 2025-01-22
EVAS Group 2025-01-10
Akantha 2024-12-23
Inventory Management and Counting Solutions 2025-01-04
Perú Controls S.A.C. 2025-01-04
D&G Enviro-Group 2024-12-28
Relate Infotech 2024-12-24
Acumen Group 2024-12-16
LaSen 2024-12-16
Midland Turbo 2024-12-14
First Baptist Church 2024-12-14
Kandelaar Electrotechniek 2024-12-14
Light Speed Design 2024-12-14
Fleet Equipment Center, Inc. 2024-11-18
ATD-American 2024-11-18
K-State College of Veterinary Medicine 2024-11-18
UCC Retrievals, Inc. 2024-11-18
TBM Consulting Group, Inc. 2024-11-18
Premier Packaging 2024-11-18
LINDOSTAR 2024-11-18
Gough Construction 2024-11-18
Programs Improving Public Safety 2024-11-18
Palm Facility Services 2024-11-18
Kennedy Funding 2024-11-18
BUROTEC S.A. 2024-11-18
A & L Auto Recyclers 2024-11-18
Alliance Industries, LLC. 2024-11-18
CelPlan Technologies, Inc. 2024-11-18
Panzer Solutions LLC Business Services 2024-11-18
The Recycler Core 2024-11-18
Thunderbird Country Club 2024-11-18
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Giulio Natta" 2024-11-18
ANKERSKA PLOVIDBA d.d. 2024-11-18
Adams Homes 2024-11-18
A-1 Mobile Lock & Key 2024-11-18
CURVC Corp 2024-11-18
Pensacola 2024-11-18
Think Simple 2024-11-18
Patrick Sanders and Company, P.C. 2024-11-18
Mullen Wylie, LLC 2024-11-18
Cmc Construction Material 2024-11-18
Cucina Tagliani 2024-11-18
Data Campos Sistemas 2024-11-18
GC Custom Metal Fabricationsoon 2024-11-18
Business Systems House FZ-LLC 2024-11-18
Aberdeen 2024-11-18
Compra LTD Aruba 2024-11-18
Minuteman Press 2024-11-18
Keizer's Collision CSN & Automotive 2024-11-18
The Municipal Administration of Barranquitas and its Department of Finance 2024-11-18
The PHOENIX 2024-11-18
Nations Homes Commercial & Residential Construction South Carolina, United States 2024-09-06
PC AfterHours 2024-11-18
PC AfterHours 2024-10-15
Bells Tax Service 2024-11-18
Tiendas Carrion & Fernandez 2024-11-18
LA LUCKY Brand 2024-11-01
phxcmp.com 2024-10-28
barranquitas.pr.gov 2024-10-28
www.keizers.ca 2024-10-28
mmpunion.com 2024-10-28
compra-aruba.com 2024-10-14
uccretrievals.com 2024-10-08
premierpackaging.com 2023-12-19
htetech.com 2023-11-27
goughconstruction.com 2024-03-09
fleetequipment.com 2024-10-08
auto-recyclers.com 2023-12-19
atd-american.com 2023-11-20
allianceind.com 2024-02-09
avioesforza.it 2023-12-07
tankerska.hr 2024-10-08
totalelectronics.com 2024-10-08
mullenwylie.com 2024-10-04
aberdeenwa.gov 2024-10-01
howardcpas.com 2024-10-01
bshsoft.com 2024-10-01
datacampos.com 2024-09-30
gccustommetal.com 2024-09-27
www.datacampos.com 2024-09-23
cucinatagliani.com 2024-09-23
cmclb.com 2024-09-23
newriverelectrical.com 2024-09-19
seaglesafety.com 2024-09-19
rccauto.com 2024-09-19
itasnatta.edu.it 2024-09-19
a1mobilelock.com 2024-09-19
curvc.com 2024-09-19
patricksanderscompany.com 2024-07-16
thinksimple.com 2024-09-19
pesprograms.com 2024-09-19
palmfs.com 2024-09-19
kennedyfunding.com 2024-08-22
New River Electrical Corporation 2024-05-07
The Recycler Core Company 2024-08-31
www.curvc.com 2024-08-24
Eagle Safety Eyewear 2024-08-24
TBMCG.com 2023-12-04
www.vet.k-state.edu 2024-06-06
www.uccretrievals.com 2024-03-09
HTE Technologies 2024-06-06
goughhomes.com 2024-06-06
Baker Triangle 2024-06-06
www.tankerska.hr 2024-02-11
cityofpensacola.com 2024-06-06
thunderbirdcc.org 2024-06-06
www.itasnatta.edu.it 2024-06-06
panzersolutions.com 2023-10-19
lindostar.it 2023-12-07
burotec.biz 2023-12-19
celplan.com 2024-04-17
adamshomes.com 2024-04-02