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Ransomware Group : knight


[Cyclops](group/cyclops) rebrand

Ransomware.live has 48 victims in its database for this group.

Victim Name Country Date
DHX–Dependable Hawaiian Express 2024-02-12
GRUPO SCA(Release of all data) 2024-02-05
FEPCO Zona Franca SAS 2024-02-04
AbelSantosyAsociados 2024-02-02
CityDfDefiance(Disclosure of all) 2024-02-01
DIROX LTDA (Vietnã) 2024-02-01
Chamber of Deputies of Romania (Camera Deputaților din România) 2024-01-29
ABECOM LTDA 2024-01-29
Agro Baggio LTDA 2024-01-07
GRUPO SCA 2024-01-06
Crace Medical Centre 2023-12-16
Akir Metal San Tic Ltd ti was hacked. All confidential information was stolen 2023-12-08
DAIHO INDUSTRIAL Co.,Ltd. 2023-12-13
cityofdefiance.com 2023-12-13
FUTURA Fundamentsysteme was hacked 2023-11-30
Contitec Empresarial 2023-11-30
Wakefield & Associates 2023-11-30
Studio D.EL.LA. SRL 2023-11-12
Barnett Millworks 2023-11-14
Dreyfuss Williams & Associates Co., LPA 2023-11-20
US Claims Solutions 2023-11-01
Mario de Cecco - Workwear & Corporate Wear IT 2023-10-31
Kinesis Film Srl 2023-10-31
BMW Munique Motors 2023-10-31
Benefit Management 2023-10-31
Intellipop Fiber Internet 2023-10-31
il Centro 2023-10-31
Emmea Srl 2023-10-31
Michels Markisen GmbH 2023-10-31
Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile 2023-10-31
Veneto Transportes 2023-10-30
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires 2023-10-13
National Health Mission. Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of U.P 2023-10-10
National Health Mission. Department of Heath & Family Welfare, Govt. of U.P 2023-10-10
Guhring was hacked. Thousands of confidential files stolen. 2023-10-09
GDL Logística Integrada S.A 2023-10-03
Garn Mason Orthodontics was hacked. All insurance and personal data of customers was stole 2023-09-29
Nusmiles Hospital 2023-09-25
Hacketts printing services 2023-09-19
Dustin J Will LCC / Dustin J Will Sole MBR 2023-09-18
Lopez & Associates Inc 2023-09-18
etsi.uy 2023-09-14
Benefit Management INC 2023-09-13
Tanachira Group 2023-09-13
Morgan Smith Industries LLC 2023-09-12
Decarie Motors Inc 2023-09-12
Solano-Napa Pet Emergency Clinic 2023-09-06