
Taking stock of 2024 | Part 1

Group Name: akira


Sector: Communication

Our team was able to breach the IT defenses of a huge number of companies over the past year. Among them are: worldfabricinc.com, JFGV.ca, atlanticelectrics.com, cannara.ca, njcar.org, yhti.com, dkgrar.com, calfaucets.com, atr.com, simcointeriors.com, madisonforms.com, scrantonrealtors.org, isisecurity.com, sgbllp.com, ad.snadc.com, clarkpower.com, allbrightcotton.com, idrefjall.com, swissit.cz, irisib.com, foxconstructiongroup.co.uk, elf.uk.com, farmatodo.com, omniflow.com, rqsi.com, teligentems.com, centerracoop.com, andrewlauren.com, garcesfruit.com, ibp.com, empereon-constar.com, rightofwayequipment.net, adhydraclean.com, vanguardpaints.com. We always act honestly and try not to disclose the fact of data leakage until the very last moment. Therefore, it is in your best interest not to be on this list and contact us immediately.