
Taking stock of 2024| Part 2

Group Name: akira


Sector: Not Found

Our team was able to breach the IT defenses of a huge number of c ompanies over the past year. Among them are: | intercomp.com.mt | saludsa.com.ec | 360energy.com.ar | directex .net | mbacomputer.com | armellini.com | cfctech.com | elitt-sas. fr | viscira.com | westernwoodsinc.com | alfa.com.co | easycom.co m | dwgp.com | summitmovinghouston.com | jsfrental.com | milleraa .com | stewartautosales.com | feheq.com | usm-americas.com | mipa l.com.br | acesaz.com | premierop.com | alphascriptrx.com | emin. cl | engineeredequip.com | mielectric.com.br | We always act hone stly and try not to disclose the fact of data leakage until the v ery last moment. Therefore, it is in your best interest not to be on this list and contact us immediately.